Checklist for travelling to the Netherlands
Find out which documents you need if you are coming to the Netherlands for less than 90 days, for a holiday or to visit family and friends, for instance. Also find out what goods you can and cannot bring with you.
Valid travel document
You need to have a valid travel document in order to enter the Netherlands. This can be an identity card (for travel within Europe) or a passport. Depending on your nationality, you may also need a visa. Are you a national of a country outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland? Then you must hold a passport or travel document issued within the last 10 years. Your travel document must also be valid for at least 3 months after you leave the Schengen area. Any children travelling with you must have their own, valid travel document.
Check whether you need a visa
Check the Schengen Visa Advisor to see whether you need a visa to come to the Netherlands. Find out how to apply for a visa on the short-stay Schengen visa page.
Permission if you are travelling with a minor
If you are travelling with a child under 18, you must be able to show that the child’s parent(s) has/have given you permission to do so. Check with the local authorities of your country of departure what the rules are for leaving the country with a minor. This will avoid delays and the risk that you will miss your flight.
Valid driving licence
You must bring a valid driving licence with you if you plan to drive a (rental) car or motorcycle in the Netherlands. Check if your driving licence is valid in the Netherlands.